There you were driving towards the direction I was coming from. I had noticed you at the same moment that I was thinking about you... was this my imagination playing tricks on me? No, it wasn't. I yelled out "THAT'S NICK!" and my step dad turned the car around without second thinking it. I called you on my phone.... you answer with your sweet voice and I softly say "Do you love me?" You reply without hesitation "More than you know." But I do know, because there you were, I asked you where you were, and you wanted to know why I asked. "Becuase I saw you!" I say with a big smile in my face and tone of voice. We meet at the Starbucks, you, my prince were there with a sparkling smile, ready to greet me, and my parents. 

Thank you baby for the awesome Valentines Day Gifts and adventure!
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